I'm already 49 years old, but I never stop learning and developing. As a programmer, I had some experience, but I wanted to shift towards IT project management.


This course gave me a solid foundation to handle what's happening in the world of IT products. The course certainly helped me in advancing in my job because I'm now a product manager.


It wasn't a typical course where you sit in a chair and listen to lectures. We tackled real-life scenarios and solved problems rather than just talking about them. It was a great experience because I like learning through practice.

The course was tailored to us, programmers. We spoke the same language without unnecessary corporate jargon. This was important to me because I don't like exaggerations. It was clear and to the point.


Now, as a product manager, I feel like I have control over the project, and I understand the goals and how to achieve them. It's very satisfying.

I'm a mom to two wonderful kids, ages 3 and 6, and for several years, I dedicated myself to their upbringing and care. Those were amazing years, but at some point, I realized I wanted to return to the job market. Unfortunately, it turned out to be not as easy as I thought. After a career break and without current professional experience, finding a job was challenging.


That's when I decided to change my career path. I chose a human resource management course because I've always been interested in understanding and managing people in the workplace. It was one of the best choices I could make.


This course not only provided me with new knowledge but also boosted my confidence. During those years dedicated to my children, I felt like I had somewhat lost touch with the business world. However, the course helped me understand new trends in human resource management and taught me about the current challenges in the field.


Most importantly, the course was tailored to my situation. They understood that I'm a mom to two young children, so I had a flexible schedule and access to online materials. This allowed me to balance learning with taking care of my kids.


Thanks to this course, I managed to get a job as a recruiter. It was an incredible feeling, returning to the job market after a break. Now, I can balance my role as a mom with work.

Karol, 49 years old, programmer

Marta, 32 years old,a mom

Hey! I graduated from high school, and I knew that college wasn't for me. I wanted to get into work right away, and for that, I needed specific know-how.


I already had some basic knowledge of JavaScript, but this course really took my skills to the next level. Knowledge was conveyed without overly complicated terms and tech jargon. This was important because I once tried to teach myself, and it was a nightmare.

We worked on real projects, not just completed assignments. Thanks to this, I could see how JavaScript works in practice, not just on paper.


And the learning process itself? I definitely didn't get bored for a moment. It was all highly interactive, with presentations, exercises, and projects. It wasn't like school where you sit and get called up to the board.


Overall, I now feel confident in programming and can consider working as a JavaScript Developer. College? Well, I don't really regret not going. This course gave me the tools that I can now use in the real world of work.


In summary, if someone wants to get into JavaScript and is not sure about college, I recommend this course. It's incredibly useful and gets you into the subject, even if you're a newbie in this field.

The JavaScript course was an invaluable experience for me. Approaching this course as someone who had previously worked in banking, I had no prior programming experience. But thanks to this course, I managed to acquire a good foundational knowledge of JavaScript.


One of the key aspects of this course was that the material was presented in a clear and understandable manner. Instructors made sure to avoid complex terminology and technical jargon, making it easy for even someone without programming experience to grasp the basics of JavaScript. This was crucial for me as I wanted to make a career change and needed to understand the material from scratch.


The course used various teaching methods, including presentations, practical exercises, and projects, making learning highly interactive. This gave me the opportunity not only to learn the theory but also to practically apply the knowledge, significantly enhancing my understanding of the subject.


The course opened up new career opportunities for me. Thanks to the clear delivery of knowledge and the practical approach to learning, I am now confident in my JavaScript skills and ready for new challenges in programming.

Łukasz, 19 years old

Basia, 37 years old, a banker by education

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